Thai Minister-Counselor (Commercial) Meet

On 2.3.23. at 2:00 p.m., Thailand’s Counseling Minister Asso. Prof. Mr. Thanawut Naigowit, Ph.D., Minister-Counselor (Commercial) and MRCCI President U Win Htay and Vice Presidents and Secretary’s meet to discussed.

Embassy of Japan

Embassy of Japan the (5) members of Mr. Yosihtake Shogo and the (5) members of

U.S. Embassy (Yangon)

From The U.S. Embassy (Yangon), Mr. Dan Cintron, Deputy Head of Mission and his team

2020 – 2023 Annual Meeting

On July 7, 2024Mandalay Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry2020 – 2023 Annual Membership Plenary