🌍Applied International Trade Series: Investment and Trade Financing🚢✈️

Are you ready to take your international business knowledge, experience and conceptual understanding to the next level? Grab the secrets of successful international trading now with our comprehensive investment and trading money management course, brought to you by industry experts and think tanks.

📚 Topics to be taught:
✅ Cargo, overseas and inland insurance
✅ Introduction to Business Law
✅ Preparation for getting investment
✅ Trade Financing

🎓 Who should attend? –
✅ Business and trade entrepreneurs who aim to improve their knowledge and skills in international trade activities.
✅Entrepreneurs wanting/trying to expand their businesses globally
✅ Those who aim to upgrade their trade finance skills
✅ Students and professionals interested in understanding the intricacies of international trade and investment

Date: 26th August to 27th August 2023

Time: 9.30 AM – 4.30 PM

Venue: 11th Floor, Mandalay Financial Center, 80th Street, Between 27th and 28th street, Chan Aye Tharzan Township, Mandalay

To investigate the course : Ph – 09762506994, 09-259061458, 09-965662764

Who Will Teach?

Embassy of Japan

Embassy of Japan the (5) members of Mr. Yosihtake Shogo and the (5) members of

U.S. Embassy (Yangon)

From The U.S. Embassy (Yangon), Mr. Dan Cintron, Deputy Head of Mission and his team

The Embassy of Japan (Yangon)

Representatives from the Embassy of Japan (Yangon) Ms. Rina Isaka, Ms. Takushima and Ms. Kashiwagi

2020 – 2023 Annual Meeting

On July 7, 2024Mandalay Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry2020 – 2023 Annual Membership Plenary